Monday, August 23, 2004

Assassin Drake: Lamtissa

Assassin Drake: Lamtissa
Status: almost done!!
Sound byte: Who's got your back?
Baddie: Lamtissa - the most ruthless...
Expected release: very soon
What to expect: Assassin Drake gets a sidekick named Junebug. Crazy wise man lends a hand. Drake saves the day. The End.

Who's got your back? Assassin Drake, the only duck with nine lives!

Sunday, August 08, 2004


Duck now available here. This not the original duck movie so lets just call it the digitally re-mastered version.
Notice there are no credits in the movie.
Credits are here and here...
Song: Canned Heat - Going Up The Country
Direction & animation: J-P Mascarella
Special thanks to: Jennifer Wilson, visit her website here. And to all who where there at the beginning.